Davis Constructors & Engineers, Inc. and AGC of America understand and support the administration’s goal of modernizing trade agreements and punishing unfair trade practices. Nevertheless, the administration can narrowly tailor its trade actions to minimize the negative impact to YOUR construction markets-both public and private.
This week, the U.S. Senate is expected to consider bipartisan legislation that would allow Congress to eventually end the sweeping tariffs on steel and aluminum. In some instances, these tariffs are leading to double-digit steel price increases and mills delaying fulfillment of orders for months – increasing project costs and delaying project delivery, respectively. Bid prices for future projects are on the rise, causing owners to reconsider the number or scope of projects they put out to bid. And, various reports forecast tens of thousands of construction jobs will be lost because of these tariffs.
Contact your U.S. Senators and tell them to support the bipartisan legislation that will help end the sweeping steel and aluminum tariffs that are hurting your construction business.