News & Awards

SWS Highlighted in AK Business Corporate 100

Davis’ work on the Solid Waste Services Central Transfer Station was featured in the most recent issue of Alaska Business’s Corporate 100 magazine.

The Central Transfer Station covers 26 acres and includes spaces for SWS administrative offices, residential and commercial waste disposal, and fleet operations. It is expected to extend the life of the Anchorage Regional Landfill from approximately 2065 until 2085.

Davis was chosen to build the site’s seven buildings and 97,000 square foot, three story tipping facility. For a project this large, a variety of design innovations and material selections were used in order to reduce costs. Notably, among the pre-engineered metal buildings–self-supporting steel buildings that keep the area between the outside columns clear of obstructions– is the largest clear span in Alaska, and likely the largest nationwide. Davis also made sure to include accommodations to a variety of different vehicles, such as SWS collection vehicles, third party commercial collection vehicles, contractor vehicles, and private section vehicles as a way to stay accommodating to the various solid waste, recyclable materials, household hazardous waste, and other materials that comes through the station.

Other sustainable innovations include the incorporation of insulated metal panels for thermal resistance, capstone microturbines that convert a high percentage of fuel into electricity, solar panels, and electrical charging stations.

To read more, check out the article online, linked below: